a letter to little me

Black and white photo of a young child

Happy Birthday Little One

You turned 27 years old this month, and today you feel every one of them.

Here are some things you will learn over your life time. Some good, some bad, but all important; they'll help you as you grow in to the person you are today.

Take pleasure in the small things

At the moment this won't make much sense to you, but as you grow I promise this piece of advice will serve you well.  You will not find joy in material things or things society tells you to want, but in the small details which are so often missed by others.  The ache in your belly after you have laughed uncontrollably or the way meeting a new dog makes you grit your teeth and hop around in excitement.  It is in these moments you will find your joy, and it is these things you will hold onto when times are tough.

Trust your instincts 

As an adult your instincts have protected you more times than you can count, and for that you are grateful.  They let you know when you are in danger or when someone is trying to hurt you.  That feeling you get in your tummy when you know something doesn't feel quite right? Never ignore that.  Instinct will tell you a lot about the people you surround yourself with and direct many of your decisions in life.  It hasn't steered you wrong yet so trust it always.

Time will always pass.

I know what you're thinking, what a silly thing to say.  However it becomes one of the things you tell yourself when you are struggling.  Whether you are bored in school, having a long day at work or doing something that is making you anxious, this mantra is a much needed reminder that time is unstoppable and the moment you are in will be behind you soon.

There are good days and bad days.

As you grow up you'll begin to realise there is a sadness you carry, one you feel down to the very marrow in your bones. It hurts my heart to tell you that feeling never quite goes away. It is sewn into the fabric of who you are and whilst it is not always easy to cope with, it does always get better. For a while people will misunderstand you and you will feel ever so lonely but chin up, in the end this sadness will make you so much stronger than you know. You will find people that understand you and love you much more than you can possibly imagine just wait and see.

All of this might be confusing to you now but I promise it will help you grow into a strong, intelligent woman.  For now enjoy the freedom of being a child.  Make flannel sausage rolls with your brother, dance like a lunatic to The Smurf's album and perhaps avoid trying on your Teddy Bear's jacket, it does not end well.

All my love,

27 year old you x


a shadow


my happy bank